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Transformed Harem

Shishido Michio is your normal Japanese high school student weeb, living alone in the suburbs of Tokyo. On the fateful day of August 1st, 2008, his collection of anime girl figures and his anime girl body pillow suddenly come to life and become life-sized. Michio's life is completely changed, as his story follows a path of shock, despair, romance, and lust.

Chapter Previews and Announcements

Announcements (March 7, 2023)

We have decided to remove the following characters:

Arizumi Ayako
Kanenako Chika
Amasuki Kazue

We have decided on this action due to our lack of skill to fully incorporate all of the characters and their traits into the story.

Thus, we have removed 3 characters in order to keep our story complete with leaving as few gaps as possible.

A character tab will be added to the website showcasing designs. We plan to keep the removed characters design, even with them being removed.

Chapters will be edited on the site within the coming week.

We apologize for this loss, and thank you for your understanding.

In other news, we are working on improving the index/home page of this site to improve the (nonexistant) user experience.

You can visit the site's GitHub Pages repo here.

Chapter 1

August 1st, 2008, 9 PM, in the Tokyo suburbs. It’s summer break. I, Shishido Michio, am lying in the bed of my apartment.

As I lie there, facing my back to my body pillow and seven waifu figures, the wind blows through my open window.

The girls shown by these figures and this pillow are my own. They’re not from anime or whatever, and I’m the only one that really knows about them.

I paid someone to design them with the description and personalities I gave, and I paid someone else to make the figures and body pillow.

I’ve spent way too much money… but I don’t regret it.

But then I hear a noise from behind me.